Hello. Welcome to my personal website. Here you can find information about me including classes, publications, research, current projects, and travel experiences. I will include pictures and paragraphs relating to my background because others may have similar interests. One website is a good way to keep all things in one place. I also love listening to ambient music for relaxation and inspiration. When I listen to this kind of music, I can write freely; three hours passes like minutes.
Basic English IV
This class is an extention of computer-usage in language learning and includes a research component
Graduate English I, II
The reading class focuses on learning about titles and abstracts; in writing, the students practice writing a brief English article.
Science English
This class introduces and teachers basic science topics in English, with reading, vocabulary, and presentation components.
Basic English III
This class introduces students to using computers in language learning.
Basic English II
This class focus on speaking and listening but in a more intense format.
Basic English I
This class focuses on speaking and listening.
My research is about English communication ability for employment and income in developing country tourist industries (TI). This being the case, I collect background socioeconomic and educational data on years of education and English study in school during face to face interviews. I also have employees record conversations I use to assess each person's English communication ability. This is necessary to help employees improve their English so they may be able to get new jobs with higher salaries in the future.

After recording the interviews and collecting all the data with the research team, I bring everything back where several linguists and myself listen to each recording, read each questionnaire, and assign each person an English communication ability assessment level. Then, using several statistical measures, I examine all the interactions of certain variables with income. This gives me a good sense of how ECA affects employment and income in TI.